Thursday, 5 November 2009

Pinball wizardry. Yes, it's a pun and it's crap. Just read it, will you?

You know what you don't see in pubs these days that used to have them packed to the gills with people?
Pinball machines.
The thing was, pinball machines are a toy and don't make money like fruit machines do, so out they went and in came the cash-gobblers.
Nevertheless, the fact remains - I WANT A PINBALL MACHINE. But they ain't cheap, ye know. Not only that, but there's all these fiddly bits that could go wrong.
Is that a fact? Well, take a look at this baby, the Multipin digital pinball machine. It's all top-end graphics, so no physical parts to destroy. Not only that, you get the opportunity to have 17 tables in one!

Take a look at the video:

Looks good, but would it ever have the same feel as a table with all the physical gubbins?
Anyhow, if yer still interested, ye can buy one for a mere $6,000 from NanoTech Entertainment.

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