Sunday 23 August 2009

Why here, why now?

Well, now. Nothing stays the same, ye know. Evolution isn't just fer the animals.

When I took my first stumbling steps out into the wide wilderness of the wwweb, all those years ago, I stumbled upon Myspace. I wasn't too worried about it to begin with, as I was heavily involved with chatrooms. The less said about those, the better. I was young and cocky and thought I could be a 20-something lad when I was, in reality, an outspoken, yet somewhat reserved 30-ish bloke with a belly.

So why did I eventually turn to Myspace? Well, the thing is I'm rather into music and will try many ways to expand my collection and my horizons. What Myspace offered (and still does, to a degree) was an opportunity to do both at the same time. There's loads of unsigned acts, plenty of established ones - and, quite frequently - the means to download tracks by said acts.
On the way, I made a few friends, made a few contacts... and wrote a whole bunch of blogs.

I wrote about things that made me laugh, books that I'd enjoyed, news articles that angered me beyond belief and games I liked to play. I dropped in some cartoon strips about hedgehogs (a major theme with me and my wife), some fiction about said characters and, as I became more confident about my skills as a writer, some none-'hoggy short fiction. I even gave some science lessons on a couple of occasions!

So why the defection to here?
Well, the blogs were fairly well received, but only by one or two faithfuls, which wasn't what I wanted. The problem is that Myspace is primarily a social site, so most folks aren't interest in blogs about sometimes esoteric topics.
As it was, the lack of reaction to my blogs led to a slacking off in my writing there. It didn't help that I began a page on Deviantart to profile my short fiction.

Ah well, perhaps it's best I left it.
At least I can now talk freely about whatever takes my fancy.

My Myspace profile - all the old blogs will still be there
My Deviantart profile - drop by and see my fiction.

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